Once a book has been uploaded, you can see the status for that particular book or all of your books on our platform. You can see them by going to your Profile >> Dashboard >> My Books. There, you will see All Books, Approved, Saved, Pending, Denied and Reported.

All Books – this will show you all your books.

Approved – this will show you only approved books by Goletrax Team.

Saved – this will show you only saved books you have before completing the uploading process.

Pending – this will show you the books waiting for approval from Goletrax Team.

Denied – this will show you only denied books by Goletrax Team with denied reasons.

Reported – this will show you only reported books from users and Goletrax Team will give you details of reported reasons. 

If you have any question, please let us know. We are here to help.