Apr 16, 2019 Chapter 1
Don't you just love technology?
"Alexa, turn on the lights." When I have a bad day I can say, "Alexa, play my playlist" and my favorite songs are being played. I can tell Alexa what I want and it happens, isn't technology awesome!
We are fortunate to live in a world where all we have to do is request something and it's done. I can't imagine how people lived their lives without such luxuries. For us to be able to speak a command and it is carried out, awesome. I bet the creators of Alexa are still patting themselves on the back for creating such an amazing invention.
Alexa, the voice-activated device which can find our favorite shows, pull up our playlist, turn on our lights, order our groceries and a continually growing list of other things. But with all the things Alexa can do can she create light or just turn on your light? If you have no power source Alexa can't help you.
In all the things Alexa can do, she has her limits. But Alexa is not the first voice activation that can take care of your needs, God is.
I bet you didn't see that coming!
The first voice-activation was spoken by God in the beginning, in Genesis chapter 1:3
And God said, "let there be light", and light was created.
God didn't need a power source because He is the power source. He requires no batteries and no monthly fee. He is all we will ever need.
I bet you didn't see that coming.
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And God said, "Alexa turn on the lights
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