Apr 13, 2019 Chapter 1
I like to write something that can hopefully impact the world, maybe even make a change. Something that will put your focus in a new direction. This story came to me after reading the reports about record high temperature, and all the crisis going on in the world today. This is just a story, right? Or is it?
“Hey are you not afraid? With everything that’s going on in the world today? You’ve got to have concerns just like the rest of us.” She said leaning in close so no one else could hear.
Marlene spoke with concern in her voice, you could hear the passion as she spoke in almost shush tones. There was a certain point when her voice went up a little then back to shush tone. Then Lionel answered her, “No, not at all.”
Marlene was a good person, a nice girl, someone Lionel enjoyed hanging out with. But their values and beliefs systems were not on the same page. Even though Lionel enjoyed Marlene’s company he could not help but to worry about her. What would happen to Marlene if life turned upside down, any more than it was? Marlene was already worried and edgy because of things happening in the world today. But Lionel was not, he remain calm. It’s was as if he knew the outcome, peace even in the midst of trials. Lionel wasn’t worried about the stock market, the economy, if he would have a job tomorrow, or terrorist coming and blowing up the church he attended. Lionel had a peaceful countenance, he was a rock.
Lionel knew that Marlene was worried about everything. Marlene was a good person she didn’t goof off at work or take long lunches. She didn’t tell dirty jokes or use profanity. She would never cheat on her taxes or mistreat anyone. She wasn’t one of those people out for herself. She didn’t value money above all else, she was a kind hearted person. But Lionel couldn’t help but to wonder about her eternal salvation. He was trying to bring her to church with him. And just when Lionel began to make some headway about going to church. Then people started bombing churches and coming in shooting. Marlene then backed away, and who could blame her. Marlene was a good person living in a fallen world. Lionel was glad she kept her friendship with him. Maybe he could help her find her courage, at least to come to church. But Marlene had listened to too many reports about Preachers who fool around with their congregation. She wasn’t interested in hearing what they had to say. Lionel tried to tell her that not every Pastor behaved that way. But the Media makes things seem worse, especially when it involves a religious leader.
Marlene had become addicted to listening to the news, all their bad reports. And so, by now she was terrified to even go outside. And so, Lionel remained her friend, hoping that one day she would have enough courage and faith to hear him out.
Marlene had friends who said they could help her they had the answers, the cure. They said, “ If you drink enough or swallow enough pills then the world isn’t a scary place.” But Lionel said “what a way to live, so out of it that you don’t know what’s going on.” Lionel wanted to make sure before Marlene decided who to listen to, he would help her.
Marlene stood on her front porch in the dark waiting for Lionel. Because of low temperatures and snow, her power lines were down. But Lionel was on his way with a flash light and some candles.
When Lionel got there Marlene was outside on the small porch of her apartment building. She was wearing her a big navy wool long coat and black riding boots. Marlene smiled as she saw Lionel heading up the sidewalk, as he got closer she said, “I don’t know how long this might last, people say it could go on for weeks.”
Lionel took this moment to talk to Marlene, he spoke with compassion, “there will always be bad reports about everything. That’s what the enemy uses to hold you back, keep you down. If you’re afraid to go to church because of what some people are doing then you are backing away from God. God can protect you even from the bombing. Not every church gets bombed you do know.”
Marlene shook her head but very slowly as if not truly believing what Lionel had said. She allowed the reports to fill her with so much fear it was a wonder she even went outside to go to work. She did however, stop going to the park for lunch, fear was taking over her life. Marlene took into account all the things that Lionel said, but he could see she wasn’t buying into it.
The Media had done their job well, they splatter over the TV, Internet, and anywhere else about all the chaos in the world. And people began to live in fear of everything, going to parks, schools, games, concerts, churches, grocery stores, even driving down the highway. People were already scared to live life. Talk about living out loud no one does that anymore, things have shifted so bad and so quickly, that people just don’t realize they are losing the ability to truly live and be happy.
The United States was the only place where you were free. Lionel knew few people who felt like they were truly free anymore. People had been locked in the worst prison there were, in their minds. And yet Jesus came to release the people out of their prison, but they chose to listen to the world instead of a loving Father.
"How can you know the way to go?" she asked with caution in her voice. "The LORD lights my way, he lights all our ways." Lionel spoke his words with confidence and conviction.
Marlene then asked, "does he guide me too? If so why can't I tell?” Lionel turned back to face her, as he looked deep into her brown eyes he said, "it's a light inside you. And yes he lights your way, too. People just don't always listen to him. You can't recognize his voice because we have allowed the world to cancel him out. But if we pray, read and study His word in the Bible. He comes and lives inside of us, and He lights our way."
Marlene was trying to understand what Lionel had just spoken, he saw the confusion on her face. "It's not a voice you hear with your ears,” Lionel pointed to his ear, “ but deep down inside your spirit. He's guiding us right now. He guided you to me, didn't he? So yes, even you can hear that still small voice."
And then there came a small flicker in her eyes, and Lionel smiled, she was finally hearing him. Marlene was beginning to understand, she so desired to have the kind of peace that Lionel had and now Marlene was on the journey to understand.
It’s just a story, it’s not real right? There are no snow storms or record high temperatures. There is no Media talking about terrorist, or churches that are being bombed. It’s safe to walk down your street and sit on your front porch. No one carrying guns or shooting at people in the church. Children are safe to play in their yards without dodging bullets. It’s safe for children to ride the school buses. No one is coming into schools with guns, it’s all just a story fiction right? Just something made up for a Hollywood movie, it’s not real right? Right?
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