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Folate Deficiency – Causes, Treatment and Prevention
Feb 20, 2018 Chapter 1
As the name implies, folate deficiency is when folate is not enough in one's diet. There are foods that contain folate which include dark green vegetables and citrus juices. If you do not eat sufficient folate, you can get folate deficiency in just a matter of weeks.
Normally, folate (or folic acid) is a form of vitamin B which has important functions such as making DNA, repairing DNA and producing red blood cells and a deficiency could be really problematic.
Other ways folate deficiency is triggered is having a disease or genetic mutation which won't let your body absorb or convert folate into its usable form.
Diseases like anemia are results of folate deficiency. Anemia is a disorder caused by very low red blood cells and it can deprive the tissues of oxygen needed since the red blood cells convey the oxygen and therefore would affect their function.
Women within the childbearing age need sufficient folate because a deficiency would cause birth defects.
1. Diet
If you consume a diet that is low in vegetables, fruits, and fortified cereals, then you are at the risk of having folate deficiency. Also, when you overcook your food, you destroy the vitamins that are present in it.
2. Genetics
People who have certain genetic mutations would have problems in converting dietary folate properly and efficiently to its usable form, methylfolate.
3. Disease
Diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease, cancers, kidney problems that need dialysis affect the absorption within the gastrointestinal tract which lead to folate deficiency.
4. Excessive Alcohol
Alcohol disrupts the absorption of folate and also increases folate excretion through urination.
5. Side effects of medications
Sulfasalazine, methotrexate, phenytoin, trimethoprim-sulfasalazine, etc. are causes of deficiency.
To treat folate deficiency, you need to increase the amount of folate you consume. Also helpful are supplements. People who have genetic disorders which inhibit folate absorption would need to take methylated folate.
In supplements, folate and other vitamins (vitamin B-complex) are combined. Also, alcohol should be totally avoided by pregnant women and people who are suffering from folate deficiency.
Good nutrition is the best way to prevent a deficiency of folate. Foods that have a high amount of folate include green vegetables (broccoli and spinach), peas, wheat bran, shellfish, poultry, pork, legumes, liver meat, kidney, mushrooms, tomato juice, peas, citrus, Brussels sprouts, fortified cereals, etc.
It is also advisable to take supplements high in vitamins to prevent folate deficiency in combination with the foods mentioned above. When taking these supplements, 400 micrograms of folate dosage should be taken. Also, pregnant women should take folate supplement to prevent deficiency.
Persons who are taking medications which could cause folate deficiency are also advised to take supplements when taking these drugs. However, anyone taking supplements would need to see a doctor for proper medical advice. This way, other complications from side effects would be prevented.
Remember, your health is very important and you need to handle it with utmost care.
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Folate Deficiency – Causes, Treatment and Prevention
Folate Deficiency – Causes, Treatment and Prevention
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