Apr 13, 2019 Chapter 1
I often reflect back on past decisions and life choices. And while I'm on that path I humbly go to God for his direction and guidance. I've tried to live my life on my own terms and it never worked out, it pretty much blew up in my face. So I realize I needed his hands to guide me down life's mysterious path. One day I came to a story in the Bible and I realized that the woman at the well could of been any woman, she could of been Me.
As I read about the woman at the well, I felt like I might have understood how she felt. Here comes Jesus talking to her like a regular person, when most people didn't even want to be caught near her, but not Jesus. He talked to her and not at her. And she listened to him speak, what was she thinking?
"Here is a man telling me all these things." I can only imagine how much stuff other men probably had told her, and yet she still listen. She had heard it all before, and she wasn't ready to buy into his words.
Jesus talked as if he really cared, but could she believe it? She was not about to be disappointed one more time. But Jesus persisted, he wanted to capture her heart. Jesus had come to set everyone free, even her. How could she really believe it? He spoke of living waters that she would never thirst again. Why waste living waters on someone others had discarded? Jesus came to demonstrate a kind of love she had never known.
The Bible talks of being able to discern, but how can you do what you don't know? When others treat you a certain way that becomes the norm. So you expect the usual, and you're not looking for long term. You began trying to find loopholes. But with Jesus, there aren't any loopholes.
You see the woman at the well could have been anyone of us. Any woman who has been beaten down in spirit, or who's heart has been broken.
We all suffer in believing in people, only for them to let us down. Until someone unique comes in our lives and shows us what's been missing. Shows us how to really live, and what dreams are made of, that happily ever after is not just a fairy tale.
It's almost like Jesus is whispering your name. He's talking about how much he loves you, and he's telling the angels to watch over you. And the life you've lived is not in vain, neither was your suffering.
Yes, we can relate to the woman at the well. With every broken promise, with every broken heart, and with all the lies uttered to us. We all have been there, and isn't it good to know we matter. We matter to King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We matter and that's where real love begins.
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