Apr 11, 2019 Chapter 1
The way he looked at me sent chills down my spine. I wanted to get married; I wanted my marriage proposal to be something, something I would never forget. But not like this, this was just frightening.
Lighting struck outside the small cabin in the woods, lightening up the sky. It also lite up the dark damp basement I was now trapped in. As I looked around there were boxes that was stacked up, and I was seated on this old wooden chair, with green paint peeling off. In the distance I could hear something scratching inside the walls. I had a fear of rats, but now I was more afraid of Dave than the rats.
Me and Dave had been dating for a few months. I really like Dave but I didn't know that much about him. Dave kept to himself, but he did tell me he was an orphan. I never did ask too many question about his parents. I figured when he was ready he would tell me. Then he came and brought me to this quaint little cabin in the woods.
This cabin was the perfect spot for a proposal, although now it seem more like a murder mystery. Dave never did anything half way, that was one of the things l loved about him. So when he came up with this getaway trip and not to tell anyone, I graciously accepted.
I now sit on this raggedy wooden chair and Dave stands in front of me, at the bottom of the stairs. Those stairs is my only way out, but I had to get pass Dave. Dave's eye's had a sort of glazed look to them, I had never seen this side of Dave. He was quiet and strange, really strange.
Sweat danced across my brow, a shock of revelation hit me full force. Dave was not going to let me leave. I began to wonder how slow and subtle this stranger had crept beside me, was I too blind to see it? I really wanted to get married, all my friends was getting married. And Dave answered my prayers or so I thought.
Panic began to rise up inside me. I looked over to Dave, and his head was tilted to one side. Maybe he was contemplating what to do with me, or maybe he was having second thoughts. So I stood up and casually walked towards the steps, but Dave stepped in my way. I tried to go around, and then Dave stepped in front of me. Without him saying a word Dave pointed to the chair and I took my seat once again. I realized if Dave was having second thoughts obviously he had come to a decision.
It was at this point that he reached into his jacket pocket, and tears slowly began to roll down my cheek. I tried to fight my personal restraint, I tried to hide my fear. But I could no longer maintain my composure, fear had taken hold of me. For I knew I would never reach the outside of the cabin in the woods. And my tomorrow would never come.
Lightening struck loud again outside the cabin and the rain began to fall heavy. Any tracks that I had made would be washed away. So I closed my eyes and held my breath, I could no longer wait, my fate was in Dave's hand. A man I really didn't know at all.
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Ezequiel Jiménez nació en San Francisco de Macorís, República Dominicana, en 1981. Su niñez y parte de su adolescencia transcurrieron en Las Guáranas, un pueblo de su región natal. Más tarde, cuando contaba catorce años de edad, emigró a los Estados Unidos.
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