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Jun 11, 2019 Chapter 1
(Short story) A person lonely in the woods, what is there to say about him?
It will switch from 1st and 3rd person point of view throughout the story. (Multiple updates)
In a quiet lonely place, up in the mountains near a valley. A man lived up there, a very confused man. These are the witnesses stories and evidence found on this guy or........maybe not.
"Dinner.....Dinner..." ,-he continued to murmur throughout the valley.
He notices many deers and small animals that he could catch, but their were to fast for him.
"Dinner!!!!" ,-he yelled scarring off the deer.
"Dinner............" ,- he said sad wondering through the valley once again looking for food.
He continued walking down the valley from the morning to the afternoon. Until...
"Dinner!!!!!" ,-he found a hunters trap and there's something inside. There's two rabbits trapped inside the cage.
Then he continued walking through the forest with two dead rabbits on his hands. Walking to his house which was abandoned, from the looks of it at least 20 years. Looks like a witch hunt if it was taken from a outsiders perspective here.
It's noon and the sun is slowing fading and the darkness comes in slowing. So he grabs a few pieces of wood and sets it on fire with the left over charcoal from this morning.
Then proceeds in grabbing a knife in a barely stable counter and starts skinning the rabbits and adds some salt when he is done so it doesn't spoil.
"Delicious..." ,-he said pouring water in a big pot and moves it towards a fire place. The water started to boil and he adds a few spices from the woods. Hopefully there safe.
"Dinner..." ,-said he said grabbing the two dead rabbits and throws them into the boiling water. "Stew..." ,-he thought about as his stomach grumble.
After waiting half an hour it seems the food is ready. Another night passes by.
Another day another meal or like he says...
"Hmm?" ,-he yells trapping a human walking in the woods hear by the valley.
"Hey, get the hell out of here!" ,-he yelled struggling to aim at him.
"Dinner?" ,-he question clubbing the man in the bag multiple times until he stopped struggling. "Quiet...." ,-he said dragging the body up the valley to his house.
He takes out his knife, ".............." ,-and starts stabbing the guy over and over. Then he was ready to eat, but something didn't quite sit well to him. He just stared that the corpse confused what is he feeling, "don't want to eat now." ,-he said grabbing the weapon the other person was holding.
As the body was laying in the floor, it started to annoy him, "no dinner." ,-he said dragging the body multiple miles to a far away cliff. And proceeds in throwing the body off, "gone." ,-he said walking back to his house and notice a bird nest that feel down in the side of his house.
"Dinner!" ,-he said excited grabbing the eggs and sprints to his house as fast as possible.
Opens the door and sparks the fireplace.
He grabs a pan and cracks open a few eggs in the pan and moves towards the fireplace.
He waited until he can see the eggs turn into a different color, "delicious dinner." ,-the man said sprinkling salt his dinner.
One of the most important meals of the day, dinner, dinner and dinner.
It's been three days since he got his last meal. Water he has plenty down the valley where a stream went by.
"Water....." ,-he thought collecting a few gallons of water. Then walks back up to notices the bag that guy he killed a 4 days ago. And starts searching through, finding a book. "No dinner..." continues searching he finds an audio recording.
He's been staring at this weird device and presses a button. "Hello and welcome to English course 101, where you can learn the basics in learning english." ,-said a prerecorded female voice
He seats down and continues listening it has grabbed his attention. "Section 1 chapter 1, staring with the alphabet. a,b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j,k,l,m,o,p ,repeat."
He started following its orders, "a,b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j,k,l,m,o,p ,repeat?"
Section 1, section 2, "now we finish the other half." ,-the recording continued
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