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Yoga and Meditation
Mar 04, 2018 Chapter 1
Yoga and meditation have been used interchangeably by many folks for years and have become trendy these days despite the fact that they do not necessarily mean the same thing. In fact, the meanings of both yoga and meditation are not the same. In this article, these words will be explained in detail as well as the benefits they offer to humanity.
The word ‘yoga’ is derived from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language and it means ‘union.’ It signifies the connection between the spirit and the soul. In fact, ‘yoga’ refers to the state of the union as well as the means to make such a union happen. The bible of yoga which contains the ‘Eight Limbs of Yoga’ was formulated by an ancient sage who hailed from India. A yogi, therefore, is a person who has permanently accomplished the distinguished state of a spiritual union after going through the each of the stages of yoga.
Meditation, on the other hand, is a word that was derived from one of the Limbs of yoga. It is a state of consciousness or awareness. Meditation can also be said to be a form of spiritual position or condition that a practicing yogi attains successfully by turning his attention inward and blocking his senses as well as other distractions. Thus, the yogi rises above the restless mind to get in touch with his inner self. To be precise, one can’t meditate; however, the only way to create the state of meditation is by practicing specific aspects of yoga.
A yogi, to attain the state of meditation, relaxes his body, calms his mind, and maintains proper breathing techniques to control the life force. The tradition of yoga is designed to help you control the life force. This Hindu spiritual practice incorporates breathing techniques which leads to a simple form of meditation while physically bringing both the mind and body, thus creating harmony.
Yoga and meditation go hand in hand and also provide numerous health as well as physiological benefits or effects on the body. The following are a few reasons why you should practice yoga and meditation:
i. Both yoga and meditation improve health. By pressurizing your internal organs gently, you will enable them to function as they should. Yoga postures facilitate the smooth functioning of your digestive system and help to prevent problems like indigestion, constipation, and acidity which are conditions that are relatively common and have the potential of leading to more severe complications later on. These techniques also help to lower your blood pressure, thus improving your health significantly.
ii. Yoga and meditation have also been proven to help people lose excess weight. Over the last century, our food sources and lifestyles have changed drastically. The jobs of nowadays have made us more deskbound than usual, leading to one of the most significant health problems known as obesity. By practicing yoga and meditation, not only will you lose weight but you will also be able to use your mental strength to control how you eat, resulting in permanent and healthy weight loss.
iii. Yoga and meditation engender inner peace in the core of your being, thereby making you a happy and contented person.
To sum it up, yoga and meditation are not the same; the former is a subset of the latter and the benefits associated with these ancient Hindu practices cannot be quantified.
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Yoga and Meditation
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