I am Raphaela, a seasoned freelance writer and SEO blogger domiciled in West Africa. My passion for crafting the world I desire using words has led me to develop over 200 blog-posts and e-books that are truly engaging and informational and that I am very proud. Career-wise, I focus keenly on Technol
Top three men's fashion blunders of the century
Apr 28, 2018 Chapter 1
This century has been filled with considerable hope and enthusiasm in all sectors considering the vast technological opportunities available to global businesses to ensure profitability. This rapid globalization drove the general population to consider and adopt some of their worst fashion blunders since our inception as a species all in the name of being in the know. Listed below are the top men's fashion blunders of the century and their appropriate fixes.
1. Jeans Sagging vs. Fitted Jeans: This is arguably the most infuriating male fashion trend of the century as its roots can be traced to the US neglected prison system where inmates were deprived of belts to avoid incidences of suicide or murder. Moreover, after this awful fashion trend became used by the gangs and hip-hop icons as a statement against the bureaucratic political system, countless young men heightened the trend by showcasing their firm backside and often dirty briefs to anyone that cared to look. Jeans were designed for firmness on the hip and this is why firmly fitted jeans have become the solution to this seeming menace.
2. Crocs vs Drivers: Since its 2002 debut on the fashion scene, it remains grossly unbelievable that this firm has sold over 300 million pairs of colored foam. Over the years, Crocs have been marketed to be the most comfortable men’s wear for the summer season, but most often than not an outdoor use for these slippers cannot be found by most people given their design and highly contrasting colors. Drivers remain the popular solution to having a great summer time as it is lightweight and highly fashionable.
3. Tacky slogan T-shirts vs. Printed T-shirts: This blunder comes in as the fifth top men’s fashion blunder in the century because while disregarding the recent gender inequality trend, it highlights an unfixed need for societal approval and recognition. Moreover, it shows just how contemptible and obnoxious you are as a man. An example of those shirts are the ones stating “My Pen is Huge” as a rather failed humor attempt. The global fix to this conundrum is to deck out in a smartly fitted plain or printed T-shirt that contains no cocky print or content.
Given the fact that everyone is entitled to their opinions, it is little wonder that people neglect the key tenets of men’s fashion to establish rather rogue practices or trends that not only hamper their personal brand but negatively impact the fashion industry’s reputation. These three blunders would forever be some of our most regrettable episodes as an industry.
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Top three men's fashion blunders of the century
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