I am Raphaela, a seasoned freelance writer and SEO blogger domiciled in West Africa. My passion for crafting the world I desire using words has led me to develop over 200 blog-posts and e-books that are truly engaging and informational and that I am very proud. Career-wise, I focus keenly on Technol
Wait Till Its 10
Apr 28, 2018 Chapter 1
Although our subconscious understands that a stitch in time saves nine, we most often don’t consider the tear worth our attention until they are ten.
Various research has revealed that procrastination affects every human being. However, our degree of inclination to this condition and our reason for indulging in procrastination separates the fulfilled from the unfulfilled.
Also, I have identified and enumerated the two most popular types of procrastination and their supporting fixes.
Perfectionist induced procrastination: As the name implies, this form of procrastination is related to Paralysis by Analysis. A disorder in which people dwell in their minds, analysis situations to the minutest details that this activity innately decapitates them from achieving any valuable result in this project. Moreover, their yearning for excellence and perfection makes them constantly remain inactive in hopes of riding the perfect wave, which might never come.
This set of people have a warped sense of self-worth that borders around delivering perfect results, solutions or products, which should not be. The fix to these types of procrastination is to constantly separate your performance from your self-worth. For example; an entrepreneur should never consider himself a failure because he failed at securing funding. Instead, he should proceed with other business scaling activities that are not contingent on the funding.
Anxiety induced procrastination: This occurs in various forms but the most prevalent is overloading your consciousness with data which leads to anxiety or panic attacks. Another popular cause of procrastination is uncertainty, which is the lack of assurance of the outcome of a particular event. This is exemplified by the fact that because some people dread being the first runner-up in a winner-takes-all competition like “America’s Got Talent”, they never bother applying or if they do, they handle the screening process lackadaisically.
Moreover, anxiety is also caused by overestimating your capability. The fix for all these forms of procrastination is to establish an effective system that helps you identify what you truly consider important. Thereafter, this same system helps remind you as at when needed what tasks are important and urgent, thereby limiting your mental stress.
Whenever you feel the need to indulge in any of these forms of procrastination, swiftly deploy these tested and proven techniques to rectify the situation and beat procrastination.
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