1989. Escritora, redactora, guionista, poeta y pintora. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, mención Lengua y Literatura Hispanoamericana y Española.
My experience with rhinoplasty without surgery
May 02, 2018 Chapter 1
More than a year ago I performed an aesthetic technique that I was recommended to avoid nose surgery or rhinoplasty. After reading a lot about rhinoplasty without surgery, I decided to try it and have my own experience.
It is made under absorbable substances by the human body and for this reason, it is a healthy modification, efficient but temporary. My aesthetic doctor told me that the duration varies according to the substance used and the typology of the person, he told me that the results could be preserved for 20 to 25 months.
Since my adolescence it seemed to me that my nasal contour does not correspond to the rest of my face, besides having a serious deviation of the nasal septum that causes more irregularities.
With this aesthetic technique I managed to improve at least 3 major problems that I used to have with my nose:
1. Modified the appearance of the tip of my nose, made it thinner and more delicate.
2. Correct the unevenness and irregularities caused by the deviation of my nasal septum.
3. It greatly improved the appearance of my nasal hump.
Before performing this procedure, my doctor clarified that it was a technique with aesthetic purposes only and that it would not modify my other respiratory problems, therefore, he referred me directly to the otolaryngologist.
Before performing this procedure, my doctor clarified that it was a technique with aesthetic purposes only and that it would not modify my other respiratory problems, therefore, he referred me directly to the otolaryngologist.
During this aesthetic procedure can use various substances, in my case my doctor chose to use hyaluronic acid, since it was the one that had better biocompatibility and would be able to solve my nasal aesthetic problems.
Once the procedure started, my doctor placed some topical anesthesia on me to decrease the discomfort of the injection of the substance. The aesthetic results of the rhinoplasty without surgery are immediate and in my case, it was a procedure performed on an outpatient basis and in a period no longer than 20 minutes.
Perhaps one of the factors that called my attention to this procedure is that it does not require hospitalization, splinting of the nose or other post-operative procedures that are usually a nuisance.
The recovery of this aesthetic technique is simple, just do not touch the treated area in a period of 48 hours and do not use lenses. Likewise, my doctor forbade other facials, exercise, go to the sauna or practice extreme sports for 7 days after the procedure.
The only thing that I noticed once I left the clinic was a little flushing in the treated area, however, my doctor told me it was a natural procedure. I feel satisfied with this aesthetic procedure, for me it has been a quick (albeit temporary) solution to my nasal physical problems.
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Ezequiel Jiménez nació en San Francisco de Macorís, República Dominicana, en 1981. Su niñez y parte de su adolescencia transcurrieron en Las Guáranas, un pueblo de su región natal. Más tarde, cuando contaba catorce años de edad, emigró a los Estados Unidos.
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