1989. Escritora, redactora, guionista, poeta y pintora. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, mención Lengua y Literatura Hispanoamericana y Española.
The thawing of the poles and their impressive effects
May 04, 2018 Chapter 1
One afternoon sitting in the armchair in the main living room of my house, after reading one of the last chapters of Piedra de Mar, one of my favorite novels by Francisco Massiani, I decided to turn on the television to continue distracting my mind, among many movie channels and entertainment, I find a channel dedicated to transmitting animal life.
At that time, I was starting a program that caught my attention, which referred to the thawing of glaciers and the effects that this phenomenon has on animal life.
In this program they explained with exact figures how much the ice mass had descended both in the north pole and in the south pole, showing videos of the poles before the global warming began and impressive images of how they are nowadays.
All this impressed me a lot, because throughout my life, I have felt a great connection with nature and with animals, I have always preferred the countryside to the city and I love traveling to places where I can have contact with nature. Therefore at that time, I put all my attention in this program and later I decided to investigate much more about the subject.
Among all my research, I found countless news and articles, which gave me even more surprising data about this event. One of the researches that most caught my attention was published on the elordenmundial.com website, which they named "Antarctica, the last thaw". This article shows information of great relevance, even for people who have never read about it.
In the information, it is highlighted that the extension of the glacier platforms will vary depending on the season of the year, however, it is pointed out that these platforms are thinner each time, due to the increase in the temperature of the land, They are more likely to break.
This event has already happened several times, the first happened on the Pine Island glacier platform in 2015, where research revealed that the water flowing under the ice shelf is now warmer than usual, prompting the ice to decrease to 90 meters in a year, causing a part of the platform to be so thin that it could no longer be sustained, releasing 580 km² of ice to the sea.
In the first instance, this event is already impressive, but its causes are even more surprising. When a portion of the glacial platforms disengage, they come into direct contact with the water that is increasingly hot, so that it ends up melting and forming part of the oceans, in this way, according to data from the environmental protection agency, the levels of the seas has expanded between 15 and 20 cm in the last 100 years.
Although these figures seem to be little alarming, with the passage of time little by little the coasts of the sea will disappear and if the Antarctic completely thawed, all the sea level would grow until disappearing many of the important coastal cities such as New York
On the other hand, the effects of the thawing of the poles also greatly affect the animals that live in them, because when the poles are thawed, the unique species such as the polar bear and the penguins will not be able to stay alive in this hostile environment.
It was quite discouraging to find all this information that doesn't require more than the complete death of the poles on our planet, however, I still think that we can always contribute our grain of sand to provide more care to the earth, reducing the use of fuels, recycling everything that is possible and of course informing all of our acquaintances, so that they also give their contribution.
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