1989. Escritora, redactora, guionista, poeta y pintora. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, mención Lengua y Literatura Hispanoamericana y Española.
8 tips to be a better writer
Jun 10, 2018 Chapter 1
Learning to write so that the reader understands the message transmitted could be a bit complicated, especially when we do not have the right tools. Over time writing has become a routine for me and for this reason, I have decided to prepare a series of useful tips for the Goletrax community and its new writers.
I am a teacher in language and literature and therefore, I love teaching people the art of reading and writing. Pay attention to the following basic recommendations to start being a better writer today.
1. Read more
Reading and writing go hand in hand. To write more and better, we must understand the importance of frequent reading, especially by the use of signs, expressive forms and writing styles. Little by little and without realizing it, you will learn to create your own style and form of writing.
2. What will you write about?
Planning on the wording that you are going to make is one of the best ways to avoid many common mistakes. Before you start writing a text, make sure you have something important to say and define how you want to express it to your readers.
In addition to the words, look at the general ideas that you are going to transmit and the best way to do it.
3. Get inspired
It is essential to have a source of inspiration to write. For some people, music, visiting a park, being quiet in their room and even reading articles on websites could be good reasons for inspiration.
4. Do not overload the text
The secret is simplicity. Can you make the text easier to read? Do it without thinking. Using very elaborate expressions or ideas detracts from the content written. It is essential that the text be natural, clear and truthful.
5. Learn to respect the logical order of sentences
From the school they teach us the magic formula of the writing, only that we have never taken care of paying enough attention: "subject, verb and complement". That is the most appropriate order to make sentences and if we respect it, surely the text will be much cleaner and clearer.
6. Read what you write out loud
There is no better way to determine your level of writing than reading your own writings. In this way you can locate the flaws in the flow of the writing and your most common mistakes, managing to determine what you need to improve with priority.
7. Daily practice
Create a habit of writing. It is not necessary to write 15 pages daily, but take into account that writing frequently will help you improve quickly, optimizing the literary quality of the text.
8. Use the tools at your fingertips
Subtitles, bullet points, bold and numbering are good tools to improve the result of the text. Especially when you want to highlight or separate ideas.
The way we express ourselves represents our cover letter. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to express our ideas and write in a clearer way. Encourage yourself to be better every day and live the continuous learning in the art of writing.
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8 tips to be a better writer
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